Hulda Regher Clark

Dr. Clark Information Center
The informative website about Dr. Hulda Clark


• Cáncer
• Enfermedades neuro-degenerativas
• Dolor de la cabeza a los pies
• Enfermedades sin dolores
• Los cuatros saneamientos
• El Zapper

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Libros y Productos
Exoneración de responsabilidad

Testimonials - PAIN FROM HEAD TO TOE

No. 2050 -         Fibromyalgia and gravel in inner ear / kidney cleanse

No. 2051 -         Fibromyalgia ( & MCS, CFS, TBS.. etc)

No. 2101 -         Rheumatoid arthritis (and insomnia)

No. 2150 -         Lower back pain (kidney)

No. 2151 -         Gallstones

No. 2250 -         Colon

No. 2251 -         Crohn's Disease

No. 2252 -         Diverticulosis and arthritis

No. 2451 -         Respiratory illness (and diabetes)

No. 2452 -         Emphysema

No. 2453 -         Acute asthma

No. 2454 -         Emphysema and many other illnesses and dentures

No. 2551 -         Cholesterol and angina

by successteam
© 1999-2006 Dr. Clark Information Center All texts on this website copyrighted Dr. Clark Information Center, except where indicated to be copyrighted by Dr. Hulda Clark and New Century Press or other entity. Mainpage