Hulda Regher Clark

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Testimonials of persons who have used Dr. Hulda Clark’s therapy for the treatment of
Cancer, HIV, AIDS and all sort of diseases, or used the ZAPPER or cleansing programs


MS and Crohn's and ZAPPER

I was struck down by Multiple Sclerosis in 1989 when I was 40 and was bedridden for a number of months. My legs were like lead posts, just dead weight. My arms and hands were so numb and my coordination so poor that I could not feed myself or dress myself. I had excruciating nerve pain. I will not go through all the details here. Suffice it to say I was in big trouble. Unable to function, I instinctively used my mind to create visualizations and affirmations in order to start the healing process. I decided right from the start that MS was not for me. I am very strong-willed and also open-minded. This was the key to my overcoming MS.

At first, I worked with diet and supplements and forced myself to become mobile through sheer willpower. I abandoned visits to the neurologists. The only thing they could do was to take MRI's of the brain and spinal cord and find lesions typically associated with MS. But they had no idea how to recover from MS. Neither did the MS Society. So, I was on my own. I tried various therapies but my energy level remained poor.

Then I faced Crohn's Disease. I discovered that the key to my healing was detoxification. Every one who has MS must have a history of exposure to toxic metals and/or chemicals, in my opinion. As I detoxified I improved. And I improved dramatically.

Today, I lead a completely normal life. I have energy to burn from morning to night, lots of energy. I can take a 100 degree celsius sauna or steam bath for 10 minutes.

One of the things that has helped me regain my health is an electronic device called the Zapper. It was developed by Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D. and she discusses it in her book "The Cure for All Diseases". She asserts that there are parasites involved in many pathological processes, and bacteria and viruses may also be involved. The Zapper produces a wave form, a positive offset square-wave, that can kill these single-celled pathogens. So, it can, for example, help rid the body of shigella bacteria that she says is found in people with MS.

I became so enthused with the benefits bestowed by this device that I started making them myself and experimented with prototypes.  



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