Sorry, I thought u remembered. She was diagnosed with HIV early last year
after her husband died from unknown causes the previous yearend.
She was so sick, with headaches, pains in the chest and the doctor thought
she had toxoplasma, but the test was negative. The doctor couldn't tell me
what else to do especially after a patient of his died from the same
symptoms as my sister stemming from the HIV.
Just in a nick of time, (I had my brother in law, living in the US) order
the parasite cleanse for me from your Association and I immediately put her
on the high dose of the black walnut hull tincture and within the day, my
sister took a turn on the road to good health.
After being on the parasite cleanse,and zapping, she started the mop up
programme with the ozonated olive oil and cysteine capsule, then she
contracted the herpes virus and I wrote you asking for help and you told me
to try the Colloidal Silver. Well, I didn't get the CS at that point in
time, but the hospital gave her Alcovyr (don't know if the spelling is
The doctor whose patient died, told me to keep him informed of my sisters
progress and let him know how the treatment is working as he would recommend it. She went to another doctor for a check up and all blood tests showed normal, and the doctor told her to keep on doing whatever it is she's doing.
I would like her to have a P24 antigen test done and a CD4 count to
determine if the HIV is still active or if the treatment has been successful...then and only then will I contact this doctor again to tell him about Dr. Clark's protocol.
HIV/Aids is prevalent in my small community and a lot of young people are
dying from it and when I listened to the programmes that the health
officers talk concerning HIV/Aids, it doesn't come close to Dr. Clark's
findings. The mentality is 'there is no cure'.
I am watching the situation and seriously thinking if my sister is HIV free,
to make a breakthrough with Dr. Clark's protocol and maybe have her come
here and enlighten our community and even the is a serious
situation. Anyway, I will leave this in God's hand to guide me thru this
situation. Another young man has been on the same treatment and got married last year...his wife has no fear of contracting the he believed that he has been cured by Dr. Clark's protocol. This young man's brother, living in the US sent down all the medication as well as the zapper.
Well, these are the two people I've been working with up to now and want to
thank you for your help again.