Hulda Regher Clark

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Testimonials of persons who have used Dr. Hulda Clark’s therapy for the treatment of
Cancer, HIV, AIDS and all sort of diseases, or used the ZAPPER or cleansing programs


Advanced AIDS

David, unfortunately, with regard to K K's questions concerning "proof",
that is not possible to state clearly, since after my friend's dramatic drop
in  HIV count, he then began the standard medicine routines, which I now
believe are HARMING his immune system over-all, as the med's are too-powerful.  But I don't know that for certain.  It is only my observations. 

He is now HIV negative, and gained that status within just a couple months or so, after Clark's protocol and the usage of COMBIVIR.  Even so, and his numbers were likely in millions with regard to HIV count, his dramatic drop in HIV shows that Clark's protocol was doing something profound to his thymus gland, I must assume.

So, very few patients who are diagnosed with advanced "AIDS" have a zero detect so quickly!



Testimonial 1504

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