Hello David, I feel so heartbroken when people are genuinely trying to help sick people to help themselves, and others, because they cannot or do not want to understand or believe that the protocol being used is working, they try to put a spanner in the works.
However, this is expected, remember the Pharisees and the Saducees in the Bible? Even though they were religious people they didn't even recognise the Messiah when He came and they didn't believe the truth when He spoke.
All I can tell you is that I will remember you and Dr. Clark in my prayers for all the hard work you all have been doing in trying to help others.
I can testify that Dr. Clark's protocol worked for me. I did the kidney cleanse and got rid of a stone , also the liver flush which got rid of my gall stones.
I also used the protocol on my sister who was diagnosed with HIV 2 years ago and even the doctors here can't believe that she has HIV. The other day she contracted typhoid and within 2 weeks she recovered, all her blood count was normal and the doctor said that most HIV patients don't recover after contracting other diseases because their immune system can't fight it. She
used the zapper, the parasite cleansing, Vitamin B2 and the liver flush.
I just keep reminding her not to entertain Benzene in her system and I know by God's Grace that she will combat this dreadful killer disease. Another young man I know, who was diagnosed with HIV 12 years ago, after I told him about the zapping and parasite cleansing and the Vit B2, got his brother from the US to send him down the whole kit and I can say that he has been healed. He got married 2 years ago, and got a beautiful bouncing baby girl last January. His wife is free from the virus, which tells me that after using the products made by your Association, he didn't pass on the virus. It stopped it in its tracks.
According to what Dr. Clark explained in her book the cure for HIV/AIDS that the virus will show up in the blood because it was there before, like any other viruses.
I want to thank Dr. Clark and your Association for giving us hope. Who have ears let them hear, who wants to see, will see. All the best in your future endeavors.