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Clean up your Dentalware

The Amalgam Era may soon be known as the darkest era in human history. Darker than cannibalism, headhunting, throwing Christians to the lions, burning non-Christians at the stake or having two world wars. The amalgam disaster was perpetrated on the very young and very old, on the sick and the healthy, and on women as well as men, much less selective than primitive atrocities.

The toll taken by persuading all these people to accept mercury mixtures to suck on day and night is unimaginable. It started the hundred-year slide downward of our immune power, our only defense against extinction.

The purpose of this dental clean up is:

 to get rid of the biggest source of heavy metals, plastic ingredients and dyes that are damaging your immune system, besides your laundry bleach drinking water. to get rid of Clostridium bacteria, that are part of the cancer cause, hidden under tooth fillings. 

Our only defense against all the parasites, bacteria, viruses and even prions that try to grow in us is our immune system. We may think that cleanliness, intelligence, warm clothing and medicines protect us. But they do not. Our white blood cells have infinitely more power. Their job is eating our enemies and killing and removing them in a variety of ways: sometimes physically, sometimes through chemicals they make, sometimes through electrical (or perhaps magnetic) effects. When we accidentally damage our WBCs, it is a very serious matter.

Amalgam is producing a steady flow of mercury and thallium into our bodies, not to mention nickel, chromium, copper and dozens more. Even gold is extremely harmful, being an essential element for prions, Salmonella bacteria, SV 40 virus and even the HIV virus! None of the amalgam metals had to be disclosed even though nickel and chromium have had top rating as carcinogens for 30 years! Only mercury in California now has a warning.

Without disclosure, the entire amalgam-assault against humanity was a secret one. Wc did not know what we were putting in our mouths, although the manufacturers did. Wc thought "silver fillings" were mainly silver, and pure, when they were very impure and mainly mercury. The Dental Association knew all along what the results of scientific research was pointing to, and that the effects of eating such poisons, as one must when it is in the mouth, are cumulative so each passing year brings more toxicity.

It seems there was no concern for purity or health hazard by an organization that had the public trust. The Syncrometer~ detected 50 metals in a single sample of new amalgam that was ready to be placed in someone's mouth.

 Ag - Silver  La - Lanthanum  Se - Selenium
 Al - Aluminium  Li - Lithium  Si - Silicon
 Ba - Barium  Mn - Manganese  Sm - Samarium
 Be - Beryllium  Mo - Molybdenum  Sn - Tin
 Bi - Bismuth  Nb - Niobium  Sr - Strontium
 Br - Bromine  Nd - Neodymium  TI - Thalium
 Cd .- Cadmium  Ni - Nickel  Ta - Tantalum
 Ce - Cerium  Pb - Lead  Tb - Terbium
 Cs - Cesium  Pr - Praseodymium  Ti - Titanium
 Cu - Copper  Pt - Platinum  Yb - Ytterbium
 Dy - Dysprosium  Rb - Rubidium  U - Uranium
 Eu - Europium  Re - Rhenium  V - Vanadium
 Gd - Gadolinium  Rh - Rhodium  W - Tungsten
 Ge - Germanium  Rn - Radon  Y - Yttrium
 Hg - Mercury  Ru - Ruthenium  Zn - Zinc
 Ho - Holmium  Sb - Antimony  Zr - Zirconium
 In - Indium  Sc - Scandium  

Fig. 92 Elements found in "pure" amalgam by Syncrometer R

Notice the lanthanides in amalgam: Ce, Dy, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, No, Nb, Pr, Sm, Th, Yb, Y. They are nearly all represented. As they diffuse out into our bodies, will their paramagnetic nature upset the delicate iron balance, will they be excretable? This should have been studied before putting them in our mouths.

The cancer victim must remove every bit of amalgam, however tiny, from the mouth. There is no way of getting immunity back without this fundamental act.

White blood cells that have eaten mercury and thallium can trap bacteria and viruses but never manage to kill them. They have lost killing power. They also do not make L-G or L-A (see page 570). A tumor full of seeped mercury/thallium has no chance to clear itself of SV 40 viruses and Clostridium bacteria or anything else.

In earlier editions of this book I recommended drilling out amalgam to replace with plastic for teeth that had fillings. I no longer do that.

Now that I see bits of mercury spattered all over the mouth, some large enough to see on x-rays, the safest solution is extraction. Tiny bits of amalgam created by drilling would add up to a much greater surface area for mercury seepage than before. The amalgam-diseases would not go away.

Plastic fillings shed azo dyes, heavy metals(!), bisphenol A (an estrogen-like substance, not good for boys or girls), and malonic acid, urethane, acrylic acid, DAP (a phthalate), all of which are carcinogens.

But a way has been found to stop plastic seepage, although the results are preliminary. If you have only plastic, not plastic-replacing-amalgam, you could choose this new and experimental path. It has been in use for 4 years but only used for 2 dozen patients. In each case, the new treatment stopped the seepage. It is done with a tooth zappicator, see page 344.

Extracting the teeth that once had amalgam and zappicating your plastic teeth is a compromise that should be monitored by each ~person choosing it. Have your saliva tested by Syncrometer .

The Visit to the Dentist

Find an oral surgeon or dentist willing to clean up your mouth for you. Willing to search for leftover bits of old amalgam, called tattoos. It is more than "just pulling teeth." You may need to search hard for such a dentist. The alternative dentists have led the movement to ban amalgam from dental supplies. If you have cancer or other disease, find a metal-free dentist. This points to the progressive stance of this professional group. You may need to travel many miles and even visit other countries to find the right alternative dentist.

First, obtain a good quality panoramic x-ray of your mouth. A panoramic views the entire mouth including jaws and sinuses allowing you io see much more than single teeth (see page 335).

If your decision has been made, no delay is necessary. The dentist can see all the metal teeth at a glance. Then request in writing that she/he extract them, or sign the appropriate form (to legally protect the dentist).

Arrange for a friend to accompany you to the dental office. Ask for permission to have your friend nearby. just outside the cubicle with the dental chair. Your friend can hand you your antiseptic. Your friend should sit quietly}. not wasting the dentist's time with talk or questions. Your friend can drive you home.

Treat yourself to a good meal before going for dental work. You will be ori liquids for two days and should not lose weight. Do not take extra vitamin C on your dental-day. It detoxifies, that is, destroys anesthetic, so the dentist would have to give you much more of it.

If you have "dentist phobia", take a strong dose of painkiller (not aspirin), '/z hour before your appointment time (so you won't even feel the painkiller being given!).

Your Antiseptic is Best

Make your own antiseptic.

By far the best antiseptic to use during dental work is USP (NSF) chlorine bleach; this is the kind that does not have the 5 immunity destroyers. This excerpt describes it:

“Bunyan [in The Use of Hypochlorite For The Control of Bleeding, Oral Surgery, v. 13, 1960, pp. 1026-1032] reported that rinsing with 0.2% hypochlorite solution stops postoperative bleeding within 1 minute after a tooth extraction or other oral operation. The hypochlorite solution functions also to contract and harden the blood clots and make them more resistant to infection. In addition to the effective hemostasis and the change in the character of the clot, the author reported a reduction of swelling of traumatized gingival tissues and diminution of the postoperative pain."

I have found this quote to be completely correct. There is essentially no bleeding, no pain, no swelling and no return of Clostridium.

DON'T USE HOUSEHOLD BLEACH because it is not safe for internal use! Obtain food-grade (USP) bleach from Sources. Purchase the same strength, (5 to 6%), as regular household bleach. Check the label. Then dilute it yourself. Use the recipe on page 572.

 Bleach, whether USP or not is very caustic. You must not use it at full strength. You must dilute it 100-fold. Follow the recipe exactly.

We will name your new diluted bleach that you have just made, Dental Bleach. It is only 1% as strong as regular bleach. Even this may be too strong for you. Try it at home first. You may dilute it further, in half. Then take it with you to the dentist, along with a safe cup. You will need '/2 cup. Rinse your mouth with it just before you sit down in the dental chair. Never swallow it! Spit it into the receptacle. Hold your antiseptic in your lap. Later, when the dentist signals you to rinse your mouth, use your

solution again. Also rinse one last time before leaving the office. The dentist will appreciate this extra care because she/he is less likely to see post-dental infection in you.

Second best would be Lugol's iodine solution (six drops of actual Lugol's iodine in 1/2 cup of water). This is not nearly as good. Use up the entire amount before leaving the dental office.

Third best is colloidal silver. Make your own colloidal silver solution since the commercially available ones I tested had the usual laundry bleach antiseptic.

As soon as the extractions are completed, the sockets left behind must be cleaned to remove leftover bits of tissue. This will prevent leaving a residue for bacteria to thrive on later. Then they are squirted with a dropper of diluted Lugol's iodine solution, or straight white iodine (see Recipes page 556). If you are allergic is iodine use Dental Bleach for this, too. You must supply these.

Commercial antiseptic made for the dental profession is not satisfactory. It invariably contains isopropyl alcohol besides dyes and other chemicals. These will enter your brain and tumors immediately through your new wounds. Strong salt water or straight ethyl alcohol (20%) would be better.

Save the Pieces

Tell the dentist before sitting down in the chair that you would like to keep the extracted teeth, root canals, and fillings, but they can all be tossed into a bag together. If the dentist tells you this is not allowed due to Public Health regulations, agree to fill out the proper application forms. (Were they safer in your mouth?) But they do belong to you. You may be curious in the future about what they contain, and could have been leaching.

If the odor from them is overwhelming you may understand how the internal infection of these teeth was poisoning your body! Finally, you may wish to look for the Clostridium infection, which would be a darkened area or fine black lines under fillings.

Save loose pieces of metal and plastic because you may wish to have them analyzed at a later date, too. Or you may simply wish to gloat over the retrieved "treasure" as you identify corrosion and infection. Take a picture of them to remind you later how bad they really were.

When extractions are done, congratulate yourself for the achievement. Start the Dental Aftercare program at once. Do not eat or drink (besides water) for the rest of the day after an extraction.

All root canals and dead teeth must be extracted, as well as teeth with metal fillings. Teeth with implants have not been studied enough to know which metals they shed or if Clostridium infections start in their vicinity. For this reason, you must use your own judgment on implants.

After extractions and cleaning the socket, the dentist or surgeon needs to do two more things before stitching up the wound: old cavitation cleaning and amalgam clean up.

Huggins Cavitation Cleaning

The tooth was held in the socket by soft tissues like tiny ligaments. Unless these are removed, too, they will decay and provide opportunity for bacteria to reside there, to create a future cavitation. This procedure was taught in the past by Dr. Hal Huggins and many dentists are familiar with it.

While the new sockets are being cleaned, any old infected sockets, called old cavitations should be cleaned out as well. Some cavitation sites are less obvious; they must be searched for by a knowledgeable dentist. Hidden cavitations, those that don't show up on the x-ray, nor develop at former tooth sites, often clear up without surgery after this dental clean up.

Arechiga Gum Cleaning

The second task after extracting your metal teeth and cleaning cavitations is to remove imbedded amalgam from the gums. This procedure has been developed by Dr. Benjamin Arechiga of Mexico. Each quadrant of your mouth needs an amalgam clean up. The top of the gum line will be gray from absorbed mercury. It is easiest for you to have this done while extractions are being done. The dentist begins by cutting a straight line on top of the bony ridge of the jaw where teeth once were.

Next, he/she snips away 1/8 inch (3 mm) of the gum on each side of the incision. Two ribbons 1/8 inch wide and extending from the wisdom teeth to the closest front teeth are discarded. The remaining gum tissue stretches over the top easily and is sutured over. Surprisingly, the new gum tissue is more elastic and heals much faster than the old, mercury-saturated gums. You can count on your gums

being healed in two to three days. We call it the Arechiga technique, after the oral surgeon who invented it. While the dentist is cutting out mercury-drenched gum tissue, the exposed bone can be cleaned of old amalgam bits that are easier to spot now.

Dental Aftercare

One of the purposes of doing this dental clean up is to kill Clostridium bacteria that have invaded the crevices under tooth fillings. From here they colonize the rest of your body. Evidence for this may already be in your blood test results: a low uric acid level. This is associated with Clostridium invasions.

Extractions do not automatically clear up infections, though. And antibiotics cannot be relied on either. So a very vigorous program is needed to clear up infection even after the infected teeth are pulled. Deep wounds such as the base of the new socket is exactly where Clostridium bacteria prefer to be. This Dental Aftercare program is successful in killing Clostridium.

 Copy the next few pages and carry them with you to the dental office.

Your friend could review them while you wait.

You will need:

•          a water pick

•          hot water, towels

•          pure salt (see Sources)

•          Dental Bleach, USP (see Sources)

•          one or two stainless steel strainers for food preparation

Purchase these before your dental appointment. Practice using the water pick beforehand, too.

The immune power of your arterial blood is much greater than in your veins. How can you bring arterial blood into the jaw area to heal it faster after dental work? Simply by hot-packing it from the start!

 The first day of dental work is critical. If you miss this, a massive spread of infection can occur because the mouth is always a"den of bacteria", and your own tooth infection is itself the source.

Just before leaving the dentist's office, as soon as you are out of the chair, rinse with Dental Bleach. Then, again, as soon as you get home. Next, swish your mouth gently with a cup of warm water. Keep the cotton plug in place for you to bite down on and reduce bleeding, even while swishing. Don't suction the water forcefully around your mouth.

At the same time apply a hot towel to the outside of your face where the dental work was done. Wring a washcloth out of the hottest water you can endure, trying it out at a place that is not anesthetized first. Otherwise you might accidentally burn yourself. Or fill a plastic bag halfway with hot water, zipping it shut securely and enclosing it in a second plastic bag. Do this for 30 minutes, 4 times a day and every time you feel pain for a few days. Then 3 times a day for a week-even when there is no pain.

Don't suck liquids through a straw for 24 hours; the sucking force could dislodge the healing clot. Don't allow your tongue to suck the wound site, either; and don't put fingers in your mouth.

As the anesthetic wears off there will be very little pain. But you could introduce bacteria yourself, by eating, or by putting fingers into your mouth. Consider your mouth a surgery site, off limits to everything! But the mouth cannot be bandaged and you must eat! To be successful, eat a big meal just before your dental appointment. Then drink nothing but water later on, the day of extractions. You may need a painkiller on the first night; choose a non-aspirin variety to minimize bleeding.

Bleeding should have reduced considerably by bedtime. The cotton plug put in your mouth by the dentist may be thrown away. If you need another one, make it yourself out of a tightly rolled paper towel the shape and size of a finger. Rinse it several times with pure water by squeezing it. Rinse your mouth with Dental Bleach once more before bed.

Dental Day Two

The next day (the day after your surgery) you need to be well fed, yet eat no solids, or liquids with particles in them. The particles easily lodge in your wound. Your choices are:

1. Beef broth, strained, with HC1 drops added (see Recipes page 545).

2. Herb teas, sweetened, strained, with HO drops added.

3. Fruit or vegetable juice, strained, with HO drops added.

4. Puddings made of starch or flour, thinned with fruit juice to be drinkable, with HCl drops added.

5. Cream shakes made with heavy whipping cream (and other beverages), with HCl drops added.

Run each through the finest strainer. All foods are ozonated, then zappicated, and given HCl drops last.

Drink through a large straw to get the food past the tooth zone. Immediately after eating, rinse your mouth with a cup of hot water to which you have added '/2 tsp. pure salt. Do not be afraid to start some bleeding; this could be expected and is even desirable if an infection has already started. Bleeding washes bacteria outward. Water swishing never dislodges the healing clot. Only strong suction or infection dislodges it. If pain increases instead of decreases on the second day, you are already infected. Continue swishing and hot packing for one hour. Stop using sweetener. Devote the whole day to fighting this infection. If the pain subsides, the infection has been cleared. If not, you will need a more forceful stream of water. Begin using the water pick at its lowest speed setting. Water pick repeatedly until the pain clears. (It could take four hours!)

Hot pack the outside of your face just as on the first day. Even in the night, if pain strikes, hot pack it at once. If pain is subsiding on the second day, you are being successful. But the gums are not healed; you cannot take chances yet on eating solid food. Nearly all infections come from eating solid food on the second day.

Floss the remaining teeth with homemade floss, being extra gentle. For floss, cut strips of plastic shopping bags, '/4 inch by four inches. Clean and rinse them with very hot water. Fish line floss and toothbrush are too harsh after dental work. Clean remaining teeth by hand-rubbing, using paper towel wound around your finger and dampened, then dipped into oregano oil tooth powder (see Recipes).

Also rinse your mouth with Dental Bleach several times during the day and bedtime (at least four times).

Dental Day Three

On the third day, you may drink blended solid food; do not try to chew solids with remaining teeth.

Use your water pick now after each meal. It must be hardened first or you will get the seepage from it into your wounds and brain. Simply fill to the top with steaming hot water and let stand '/2 hour. Repeat. Then fill the tank with hot tap water to which you have added a few drops of Lugol's iodine, or 1 tsp. colloidal silver, or pure salt. Set it at the gentlest level at first, squirting each site gently. Floss the front teeth and finger-rub them with oregano oil tooth powder.

No matter how carefully you eat, you will see food entering the gum spaces. Notice how difficult it is to squirt out any trapped food. Swishing is not sufficient! You need to water pick till all spaces are cleared; inspect each one. Continue hot packing. If pain returns and water picking has not succeeded in clearing it after 4 hours, you must hurry back to the dentist to search for the food particle. The wound will be opened and cleaned out for you.

Dental Bleeding

A moderate amount of bleeding is normal, even days later. Bleeding caused by water picking is not too serious. But if you sense an emergency, apply ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel or washcloth. Bite down on them till bleeding stops. Continue ice packing for 4 hours. Check your pills for aspirin. Stop taking these. After bleeding stops return to hot packing. If ice packing does not stop the bleeding, go back to the dentist or emergency room.

If you have a very low platelet count or are on a large amount of "blood thinners" which promote bleeding you need special attention. Yet, oral surgery is a very skilled profession. Dental work is safe in the surgeon's hands. Platelets can be given just beforehand; blood thinners can be temporarily stopped; and a transfusion can be given before or immediately afterward. These same patients often state that they feel better, immediately after the dental extraction, than they can remember in months! It was the dental problem that was poisoning their platelets and their blood! It may be the last transfusion that will be needed, in spite of some unavoidable blood loss with dental extractions.

Stitches should be removed earlier for immune depressed (cancer) patients than others because they will get infected by the third day! Do not use self-digesting sutures; you need the extra dental visit to be checked.

Be Vigilant the Next Week

Continue water picking, hot packing, and rinsing your mouth with Dental Bleach after each meal until the gums are healed over. This may take five to several days, longer for some sites. Floss and brush your front teeth once a day. If pain stays away you can take credit for killing your mouth bacteria. You may reduce the treatments to 3 times a day, then twice.

Clostridium can return even after a week of steady recovery. If you detect an odor from your mouth, at any time, it is Clostridium making a comeback, even without pain. A crumb has lodged in a wound and is decaying. Trv bleaching, swishing, and water picking for half a day, till odor is completely gone. Hurry back to the dentist if the odor persists. You cannot recover with a mouth infection.

If you got through the whole ordeal without needing more than one nights' painkiller and without needing to return to the dentist for extra clean up, give yourself excellent grades. And if you got through, in any way, still give yourself very good grades!

It is common for dentists to recommend cold packing to reduce swelling after dental work. I recommend hot packing because I consider swelling less important than infection or pain. It is also common for dentists to rely on antibiotics to clear up infection. I find this is not sufficient. The whole Dental Aftercare program is needed.

Plastic Fillings

Plastic fillings may now be saved by the newly discovered technique for plastic hardening in the mouth. But risk is present since it is new and not yet widely used. 

Fillings of plastic* can be spotted on a digital x-ray that could not be seen on the panoramic x-ray. If such a tooth has never had an amalgam filling, you could harden the plastic with the toothbrush zappicator (page 344) instead of extracting it. Several days later, a test of the saliva should show no plastic tooth materials. If it does, repeat the zappication. If it still does, extract the tooth. They can be kept clean by once daily brushings with oregano oil tooth powder.

 Only further research will reveal whether new plastic fillings can be so well hardened and kept so well fitting that no seeping occurs and no crevices develop

New Cavities

Search your mouth yourself, every month, for a fresh cavity. It will be a small brown discoloration. Rub this spot twice daily, once with Dental Bleach and once with oregano oil toothpowder. Purchase a long-handled dental mirror (from automotive supply store) so your helper can see the backsides of your teeth.

# Testers, search for azo dyes, acrylic acid, urethane, bisphenol A, DAP. DAP is hardest to clear or harden.

There may be a time when dentistry can safely fill a small hole but it is not now. Research is progressing in other countries to bring healing methods instead of new kinds of fillings. Search the Internet to keep pace with it. Remember that teeth are bones! Your diet should have calcium and vitamin D3 in it. Ascaris parasites soften teeth and bones. Kill them regularly.

Jerome Tattoo Removal

While the amalgam was being put into your teeth or taken out, tiny bits got away or flew away with great force into your cheek folds, into neighboring gums, into exposed bone nearby and down to the bottom of newly made sockets. Nobody will ever see these again, or so it was thought. (And guilt can never be laid.)

Larger bits of amalgam, called tattoos, can be seen on the panoramic or digital x-ray. Your dentist has already spotted them no doubt. But smaller particles do not show up. You must ask the dentist whether he or she is equipped to search visually, with a magnifier and remove them all regardless how painstaking the job is. This and many more facts of dentistry are discussed by Frank Jerome, D.D.S. in his book, Tooth Truth (search Internet). Each quadrant of your mouth needs a careful examination for mercury.

It is quite easy to find tattoos using developed "Dental Syncrometer Probe" (see Sources) attached to the Syncrometer . If your dentist is willing to remove these too, after you locate them with your Syncrometer , you have a precious professional. If not, remove as much as possible cavitations in minutes. yourself with the toothbrush zappicator.

Hidden Cavitations

These are not ordinary infected bone sites. They are primarily bioaccumulation sites. You can detect them easily by searching for mercury and other amalgam-related metals in the jawbone with the Dental Syncrometer Probe. Here it finds dyes, acrylic acid and DAP from fillings, as well as silicones, tin, and strontium from toothpaste! Staphylococcus is there and if you feel pain Streptococcus is also there. The real reason for this bioaccumulation site is the presence of lanthanide elements that are abundant in amalgam and have drifted there. Wherever the lanthanides land, the white blood cells become "choked" with iron and calcium deposits. After this they stop "eating" any more toxins, ruining your immunity at this location. Healing is impossible here. They become pockets of mushy bone mixed with bacteria.

 Even digital x-rays can scarcely picture these hidden bioaccumulation sites. Fortunately, many can be cleared without surgery, using a tooth zappicator.

 Tooth Zappicator

A tooth zappicator is a small loudspeaker fastened to the end of a toothbrush. The speaker is attached to your food zappicator circuit, which produces a frequency of 1 kHz. The tooth zappicator is then placed over the hidden cavitation site for three minutes. All nearby areas are also treated for three minutes each. A surge of immune power is induced, which removes lanthanides, other metals, solvents, plastic remnants and bacteria all at once. The Syncrometer~ sees these all in your white blood cells now. You should have taken germanium, selenite and vitamin C beforehand or you could give yourself detox symptoms.

Even when you are not able to search for them first, most hidden cavitations can be systematically cleared by zappicating along the whole ridge where teeth once were. Do it yourself to be sure it is thorough.

Repeat on inner and outer surfaces of the gums. making three treatments altogether. Don't miss the remaining teeth themselves.

The tooth zappicator can also be used to harden plastic. Press it against plastic teeth or teeth with plastic fillings to get this hardening action. For this purpose, treat for five minutes on top of each tooth location, then take a break for at least one-half hour. Drink water to help kidneys excrete. Repeat a second time on the inner surfaces of each tooth location. Take another break, and repeat a third (and last) time at the outer surfaces of the gums. The effect is permanent.

After these three five-minute zappicating treatments the plastic tooth no longer seeps dyes, and the stray amalgam that has saturated the tooth will be chemically changed so it can be more easily removed by the immune system. Build your own tooth zappicator, see picture.

Using your Tooth Zappicator

1. Insert a 9 volt battery into the 1 kHz zapper carefully, io be sure polarity is correct.

2. Connect the Positive output of the zapper to the Positive terminal of the loudspeaker. Do not use any Negative connections. They should not have hanging wires either.

3. Tape the zapper to the tabletop to guard against slippage while in use. A loudspeaker that falls io the floor could change its polarity.

4. Protect the tooth zappicator by placing it in a plastic zippered bag, with the loudspeaker in a bottom corner. Wrap the bag around it, handle and all, snugly. Tape in place. Be sure io keep saliva out of the plastic bag and off the bare tooth zappicator.

5. Wipe with ordinary ethanol or any alcoholic beverage or Lugol's water before first use. Do not get liquid inside.

6. Turn the zapper on. Place loudspeaker firmly on jawbone ridge for three (or five) minutes.

7. Start at the extreme end of one jawbone and work toward the other, skipping nothing. When you come to a tooth, place loudspeaker squarely on top of it. DO NOT TREAT METAL FILLINGS. Move to the neighboring location and repeat. When jawbones are both done on three surfaces, continue on all soft areas of mouth.

Divide the whole mouth, roof, sides, and back into imaginary little squares. Treat each square for 5 minutes. Leave no surface unzappicated. Don't miss the inside of the cheeks and the tonsils as far as you can reach. Drink water several times to help with excretion. Be sure to take a dose of hydrangea, selenite and vitamin C first. Be prepared for some detox-symptoms.

You are returning immune power to your mouth. Your white blood cells will deliver all these toxins to your kidneys and bladder. But your kidneys must be helped to excrete them; otherwise they quickly become south polarized and clogged. You will be instructed in the 3- Week Program how to use magnets and to plate-zap the kidneys while taking kidney drops to protect them. Otherwise, use the Kidney Cleanse (see page 561).

For years, ever since you put amalgam in your mouth, the 50 metals you were sucking on have been dissolving and moving into the rest of your body in tiny deposits. I can estimate, by extrapolation from Syncrometer1) tests, there are about 1000 such deposits in cancer patients, mostly in the brain and spinal cord. The majority of white blood cells already have mercury and thallium stuck in them, destroying their immune power. But the source of it all, your mouth, is finally clean. It is a huge accomplishment.

Home Dentistry

This beginning Home Dentistry is a creative innovation of huge significance. Being able to do simple check ups, using the Syncrometer® to guide you, may pave the way to caries prevention that has eluded us so long. You can find a tooth infection long before it becomes a cavity. And you may be able to clear it up with dental zappication, better hygiene and diet.

You are also able to clean up after amalgam removal yourself. You can stop seepage from plastic, and keep Clostridium away.

Your mouth is finally metal-free, plastic-free, dye-free, and Clostridium-free.

Solario Denture Making

For the quickest new teeth, impressions are made before extractions. The fitting is done as soon as your mouth is healed enough to tolerate it. For this, impression compounds are used.

Many new varieties have come into the marketplace with extremely toxic ingredients and so many dyes they even change color to let the dentist know when to take it out! The pituitary and hypothalamus glands in the brain, so nearby, are especially vulnerable. While the gums are healing, the tissue is open, so any dye or plasticizer can enter deeply and get stuck in your brain. If the impression compound used contains aluminum, dyes, and DAP* (although it may be called "alginate"), they will lodge there. If you just let it all happen, a strange new memory failure sets in about 6 months later. This induced dementia leads to gradual senility and cannot be reversed.

Dr. Solario of Mexico, uses dye-free beeswax as impression compound, and later hardens dentures with a sonicator. See Sources.

There are very many kinds of denture materials. Avoid porcelain. The choice of plastic and color is no longer an issue since it can be hardened enough not to seep (sec page 573). Repeat it yourself at home, after every dental adjustment.

How can the dental surgeon who "cleaned up your mouth" ever know you became a cancer survivor? How can he/she be shown that their superior treatment is saving lives-such as yours and the dental profession played an important role? They might be very busy but never too busy to receive compliments and thanks. Send an email.

You will have made a friend.

*DAP is diallylphthalate, tbc same chemical as in DAP tbc window putty you purchase in tbc hardware store. It is carcinogenic.

(from "The Prevention of all Cancers", page 327-347, Copyright notice)

by successteam
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