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The True Cause of Cancer ....

...has never been known! In this book I will show you the true beginnings of all cancers.
Whether the cancer is in the form of a tumor or single cells, whether it is a sarcoma or carcinoma, whether it is "a very rare variety" or the most common, each one starts in the same place, one small region in the brain.
This information will make cancer much easier to prevent, to stop, and to cure.

All cancer starts in one organ! 

All cancer ends in malignancy.
The cause of all malignancies is a common parasite, the human intestinal fluke. Its scientific name is Fasciolopsis buski. It arrives late in the development of a young growing tumor to make it malignant. This was first described in a book published in 1993.

A fluke is very much like a leech. The adult sticks to one spot where it produces many thousands of eggs inside our bodies.

This was never noticed before because it was not suspected and the eggs do not exit from the intestine. Commercial lab tests for parasitism search for eggs that have exited from the intestine.

You will actually be able to see your adult flukes later, when you succeed in killing them in your intestines, during the 3-Week Program. The disease we call cancer is not caused by the adult flukes. That is why Fasciolopsiasis does not accompany a cancer case. This is when many adults are present, shedding eggs into the bowel and feces. But sometimes a few adults happen to be in the digestive tract ... the esophagus, stomach, or colon. When they are killed and eliminated with the bowel contents, you have a chance to see them.


You will not be able to see the flukes that are in your tumor or the rest of your body because there is no way for them to be expelled into the toilet. Dead or alive, they are stuck in your tissues.

Tiny primitive animals go through many phases in their development, somewhat like insects, with their caterpillars and cocoons. These are called larval stages. They are not at all like their parent butterflies or beetles. All fluke stages are too soft and tiny to show up on any scan.

Fluke stages are in the tissues, not the blood. They have gone unrecognized because only the blood is tested regularly, and the tests are chemical, not physical. Biopsies are prepared
by slicing the tissue very thinly. No slice of a parasite stage would ever be recognizable.

Parasites prefer to live packed into your tissues or bunched into stagnant places like vein valves or lymph vessel valves. Other blood rushes along too fast and is always patrolled by your immune system. Although a careful search of live blood would show a few of these larval stages, such a search is not a routine part of cancer research or clinical testing. Still, you may actually see an adult as you proceed through the 3-Week Program, sweeping it out as you are doing a liver cleanse.

Fig. 4 Miracidia hatching from egg on left

The larval stages of Fasciolopsis buski normally produce a very potent growth stimulant, called orthophosphotyrosine or OPT. They probably make this for their own use, but only if a trigger is present. The trigger is common isopropyl alcohol.


 Fig. 5 Miracidia
expelling "mother" redia

 Fig. 6 "Mother"
redia bearing
"daughter" redia

Fig. 7 Cercaria  

Their habitat would normally provide this alcohol since it is produced by Clostridium bacteria-those bacteria living in dying flesh and without oxygen. Animal waste is this parasite's habitat.

In people, isopropyl alcohol is provided by a lifestyle that uses it dozens of times each day, even contaminating our food. We host the same Clostridium bacteria that make isopropyl alcohol. They live in our tumors and intestines where flesh is decaying and oxygen is absent. So we have two sources of the OPT trigger: bacteria and a popular product.

Fig. 8 Life cycle of a fluke

When the larval stages of the fluke invade our tumors and Clostridium bacteria are present as well, we have the necessary conditions to produce OPT. It is evidence of too much growth stimulation. This is late in the life of a tumor, when mutations have already accumulated and are visible as chromosome damage. Seeing these, and the extra growth, makes the tumors appear malignant to a cytologist who examines your biopsy. All cancer patients that I analyzed by Syncrometer® and who had already been diagnosed by an oncologist had both OPT and the F. buski fluke stages in the organ with the tumor. There were no exceptions among thousands!

 Fasciolopsis stages produce OPT.

It is very easy to stop this early malignancy just by killing this fluke and all its stages, and by stopping isopropyl alcohol use. Your tumor cells will stop receiving OPT, their major stimulant. But we can do more. Tumors must have the things that are needed to grow; otherwise they must stop, regardless of stimulation. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is one. Our tissues only make as much of this as they need. How could they be so deluged in DNA as that the Syncrometer® sees it easily? It is being made by the same Clostridium bacteria. Clostridium produces DNA similar to our DNA. DNA flooding is not seen in the presence of other bacteria, like staphylococcus or streptococcus. Its similarity to our DNA is a unique feature. It allows sharing. Killing all Clostridium colonies will stop providing the tumor with extra DNA to grow on.

 Clostridium bacteria provide isopropyl alcohol and DNA

Killing both Clostridium and the fluke will also stop production of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), the hormone that protects the tumor. It is a human pregnancy hormone, the same hormone as protects the human fetus from attack by the mother's immune system! 12 This subtle imitation of pregnancy was already noticed before 1900. The Syncrometer shows that the cercaria stage of Fasciolopsis, together with isopropyl alcohol (from Clostridium), stimulates the hypothalamus to make HCG. In a human mother, the placenta makes HCG to start the trophoblast stage of the fetus. Now the tumor will get similar protection, a fact noticed by early therapists, but unheeded by later scientists. We will see the continued role of our hypothalamus gland in cancer.

The details of getting rid of a malignancy in a very short time are given in the first book, Cure For All Cancers, written in 1993 and updated in 1998. This method is still valid, but does not go beyond clearing malignancy.

In this book we will clear the tumor, too.

At the time the earlier book was written, it was thought by scientists, myself included, that the malignancy was the entire cancer. That the benign state was tolerable.

Yet, further experience showed me that it was not. Tumors could grow in spite of being non-malignant by oncologists' standards, although slower. They did not necessarily shrink or die. They had a life of their own.

With this new insight my next research was devoted to finding the true beginnings of all tumors rather than malignancies since they obviously were a different kind of growth and provided the starting point for every malignancy.

Eventually the true beginning of each tumor was found. It will put us in awe of the body's great complexities. No story could be more riveting. It all begins in one organ, the hypothalamus in the brain, as we shall see in Chapter 2.

(from: "The Prevention of all Cancers", pages 1-6; Copyright notice)


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