I am an HIV sufferer and a great follower of Dr Clark's protocols.
I have good reason to believe that these protocols have saved my life.
I continue to apply the parasite remedy using the black walnut hull tincture and it seems the only thing that sorts out my upset stomach sometimes.
However I cannot get the green hull variety in South Africa so I soldier on with wormwood infusions and fresh ground cloves as well as the brown walnut hull tincture variety. If it were not for this protocol I would almost certainly be on anti retro-virals by now, a fate decidedly worse than death!
However, I have noticed that Dr Clark has been receiving a lot of press on a particular website called "Quackwatch" and the articles are not very complimentary at all. They disturbed me a lot for a long time until I realized one thing, Dr Clark would not be getting this publicity (and trust me it is vociferous mean and unfair!!) unless she is really making a few waves.
In my religion we consider this occurrence to be "Highly Auspicious" and worthy of thanking our critics for the attention. I have had the good fortune to have been able to have had the opportunity to make up my own mind about Dr Clark's ideas and I certainly hope that many others will be able to do so as well without being harassed or criminalized by the status quo.
With Kind Regards
A P (Johannesburg, South Africa)