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Co-Enzyme Q10

The Heart and Energy Booster – Needed by Every Cell

“Co-Enzyme Q10 reverses breast cancer” – this was the title of an article in a magazine in reference to a study about the use of Co-Enzyme Q10 in breast cancer patients. In the study, 32 breast cancer patients were treated with 90mg CoQ10 per day and antioxidants. 6 patients showed a regression of the tumor and there was one complete regression. The other patients mentioned they had more energy. The study also mentions that “one of our colleagues with an oncology practice has been treating 200 breast cancer cases every year for 35 years and has never seen a spontaneous remission from a 1.5 to 2cm [close to one inch] tumor or a similar regression from orthodox treatment.” Statistics support this statement, since the chance of spontaneous remission from cancer is 1:60,000.

So what, really, is CoQ10?

An enzyme is a chemical compound that helps steer metabolic processes in the body. A co-enzyme can bond with different enzymes to help them do their job. One of the co-enzymes present in each cell is Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 plays a significant role in the energy and respiration system of each of our cells and is an excellent antioxidant.

In cells, CoQ10 is concentrated in the energy production units called mitochondria. Respiration (the “Krebs Cycle”) takes place in the mitochondria, the process in which glucose, together with oxygen, is processed into useful body energy (“ATP”) and carbon dioxide. The role of CoQ10 is to carry electrons that are needed by the mitochondria to do their job.

What CoQ10 has been used for

Since CoQ10 is crucial for the energy production and the heart has a high energy demand, CoQ10 is found in high concentrations in the heart. Extensive Japanese research as shown CoQ10 to be an effective dietary supplement with diverse cardiovascular benefits.

Studies of CoQ10 have mostly focused on its role in improving certain types of heart disease, including congestive heart failure. However, CoQ10 benefits brain function, too. To test the effectiveness of CoQ10 in stroke cases, researchers blocked the carotid artery in laboratory animals. All the untreated animals died within 28 hours while 45% of the CoQ10 treated group were still alive after 4 weeks. Other studies have shown that CoQ10 is likely to help in maintaining a healthy blood pressure. When CoQ10 deficient obese patients were given supplements and placed on a controlled reducing diet, they lost more than twice as much weight as patients on the same diet with the same supplements who were not deficient.

In several studies using patients with diabetes, CoQ10 supplementation was found to stimulate insulin synthesis and secretion. Muscular dystrophy, periodontal disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, breast cancer, allergies and a variety of other conditions have also responded to CoQ10 supplementation.

In many cases, improvement may be due to the stimulatory effect CoQ10 has on the immune system. A series of experiments has shown that CoQ10 supplementation can double the immune system’s ability to clear invading organisms from the blood, double antibody levels, protect against chemically induced cancer, increase resistance to viral infections, reduce the toxicity of immunosuppressive drugs and quench free radicals associated with arthritis and other chronic degenerative diseases.

How Dr. Hulda Clark uses CoQ10

Dr. Clark has been using CoQ10 since about 1996. Besides its antioxidant power and its miraculous effects on cell respiration in the body, Dr. Clark has found it to be antiparasitic in high doses.

On page 34 of the HIV/AIDS book Dr. Clark writes: “The herbal parasite program is not effective against tapeworms. The zapper can’t reach every one either. Other traditional herbs, such as pumpkin seed or male fern, are helpful, but the most effective treatment I have found is Co-Enzyme Q10.

“It takes a very large amount, 3000mg, to reach tapeworm cysts in far away places like the brain or bone marrow. This is 3 grams. If you are extra tall or heavy, it takes 4 grams. Its cost is prohibitive to take on an on going basis. Plan not to reinfect yourself so that one dose is enough. […] If you are very ill, take the large definitive dose every fifth day until you are better. On other days take a smaller dose, about 400mg.”

About the safety of CoQ10

CoQ10 has been studied with regards to possible dangers. It has been proven to be completely non toxic at levels as high as 100mg/day in several human studies. In 1965, Dr. Yamamura administered 50mg CoQ10 per day intravenously for up to seven weeks. Repeated studies prove CoQ10 to be safe and effective in therapeutic doses.


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