Hulda Regher Clark

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The Bowel Program 

[As in "The Cure For All Cancers", 1998 edition]

Bacteria are always at the root of bowel problems, such as pain, bloating and gassiness. They can not be killed by zapping, because the high frequency current does not penetrate the bowel contents.

Although most bowel bacteria are beneficial, the ones that are not, like Salmonella, Shigella, and Clostridiums are extremely detrimental because they have the ability to invade the rest of your body and colonize a trauma site or tumorous organ. These same bacteria colonize a can-cer tumor and prevent shrinking after the malignancy is stopped.

One reason bowel bacteria are so hard to eradicate is that we are constantly reinfecting our-selves by keeping a reservoir on our hands and under our fingernails.

  • So the first thing to do is improve sanitation. Use 50% grain alcohol in a spray bottle at the bathroom sink. Sterilize your hands after bathroom use and before meals.
  • Second, use betaine hydrochloride to kill Clostridium bacteria (2 tablets 3 times a day).
  • Third, use turmeric (2 capsules 3 times a day, this is the common spice) which I find helps against Shigella, as well as E. coli. Expect orange colored stool.
  • Fourth, use fennel (2 capsules 3 times a day).
  • Fifth, use digestive enzyme tablets with meals as directed on the bottle. (But only as long as necessary, because these frequently harbor molds.)
  • Sixth, use a single 2 tsp. Dose of Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength. Add it to ½ glass of water or fruit juice and sip over a fifteen minute period. Stay seated until any side effect from the alcohol wears off.
  • Seventh, if you are constipated, take Cascara Sagrada (an herb, start with one capsule a day, use up to maximum on the label, extra magnesium (300mg magnesium oxide, 2 or 3 a day), and drink a cup of hot water upon rising in the morning. This will begin to regu-late your elimination.
  • Eight, take Lugol's solution, 6 drops in ½ cup of water 4 times a day. This is specifically for Salmonella.

It can take all eight to get rid of a bad bacteria problem in a week. Afterward, you must con-tinue to eat only sterile dairy products. Note that the Kidney Cleanse is often effective with bowel problems. Try it also.

You will know you succeeded when your tummy is flat, there is not a single gurgle, and your mood improves.

(From: "The Cure for All Cancers", p.586f.; Copyright notice)

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