Hulda Regher Clark

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Cancer Prevention

The first step toward prevention of cancer is to test your water for the presence of laundry bleach. The statistics are very clear. No case of cancer in a series of many, many hundreds, if not thousands, of patients, was without the presence of laundry bleach in their tumors and drinking water. No case was omitted. All of the patients had already been diagnosed by their oncologists. There was no error from assuming cancer wrongly. All the cancer patients brought water samples that contained laundry bleach. We looked further. All of our failures, patients who later died and had sent us a water sample beforehand, had moved back to bad water. It was done innocently, since they believed the water to be good. And all patients who returned because their cancer had returned at home had been using bad water again. Still further, all followup patients who were doing well at home had switched to NSFbleached water, rainwater or well water. The picture is clear. How could you get cancer unless you had laundry bleach water? The probability seems to be less than one in a thousand (assuming I did a thousand tests).

(From: "The Prevention of all Cancers", page 17; Copyright notice)

by successteam

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