Hulda Regher Clark

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Stopping Liver Failure

When an organ "fails" it cannot do the work it was expected to do.
Every organ has its genes busily making the correct enzymes for its jobs. Jobs are different for different organs. But the fuel that runs it all is the same, ATP. And the steps needed to make ATP are the same. They are called metabolism. By studying metabolism in any organ, a Syncrometer tester could find where the block in metabolism is. Finding any buildup identifies it. Finding a toxin at the buildup site identifies one cause. For the liver, RBC, kidneys, heart, thyroid, and bone marrow, I have found cobalt to be the chief toxin. Cobalt is already known to block glycolysis, the first part of metabolism. Search for cobalt and quickly remove it with take-out drops at the failing organ. For extra assurance, double your efforts by also taking out mixed heavy metals.

Cobalt steadily seeps out from wheel bearing grease blobs in your body. The metals in the grease are Positively charged. Any organ with an inflammation is more negatively charged. The grease with its Positive charges sticks there instead of leaving through the kidney.

Stop eating carrots, which has the antigen for the liver, umbelliferone. This would inflame the liver.

Use take-out drops for wheel bearing grease from all the parts of the liver (at least 10).

Use take-out drops for heavy metals (including gold, ruthenium, molybdenum, vanadium, manganese, chromium, nickel, and cobalt) from all parts of the liver.
Keep kidneys cleared by take-out drops, too, so it can all enter the urine.
Automotive greases regularly block the neurotransmitters' arrival at any organ. Removing them brings back innervation to the liver as well as full metabolism in 4 days. The same routine can be used for other failing organs.

But failure of the liver has special importance. It leads to jaundice and coma (see pages 384 and 365).

(from: The Prevention of all Cancer, page 378;Copyright notice)

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